Alumni Volunteers
“Your association with Sigma Nu Fraternity does not end with college. Ours is a Fraternity for life. In fact, full appreciation for Sigma Nu does not come instantly; often it takes years to gain a complete understanding and appreciation. Rest assured that alumni experience and involvement in our Fraternity – on both the local and General Fraternity level – are essential ingredients in the successful operation of our international organization. No chapter survives for any length of time without strong and involved alumni backing.”
- The Legion of Honor
These words prove as true today as they were when first written. Sigma Nu alumni and volunteers play a vital role in the continued success of our Fraternity. Our Ritual impresses upon us that membership in Sigma Nu is for life. This truth is most prominently displayed through the dedicated alumni who continue to work with and support our collegiate chapters. It is witnessed in the organization and execution of alumni events. In short, it is there, for all to see, in the example set by the alumnus who gets involved.